May 2017 Sales Numbers

Diamond released their May 2017 sales numbers over the weekend and ICv2 has extrapolated those and determined actual unit sales: Top 300 Comics Actual and Top 300 Graphic Novels Actual. Oddly these numbers were delayed one week this month. These numbers are for Diamond’s direct sales in North America only and don’t include Diamond UK or the bookstore market. It’s worth reading the additional information under the sales charts.

For the purposes of the AE Index, where we record initial sales month, one Artist Edition style book was published in May 2017 but did not make the sales chart.

NNReed Crandall’s EC Stories Artist’s EditionNN

Item 300 on the list sold 460 copies, so that means Reed Crandall’s EC Stories Artist’s Edition was less than that. This book was only distributed through Diamond and directly through IDW’s website, so these numbers should accurately reflect its first month sales.

Let’s encourage publishers to release their sales numbers.