2023 Year in Review

AE Index Featured

The Artist’s Edition Index came into being as its own site in July 2017, and since then I have meant to do a year in review, but to quote Burns, gang aft agley. Thankfully I use WordPress and have access to my stats. So here are some fun details of the site, in no particular order, in groups of five since that’s the bit sized portions I use for polls. Actual view numbers are in parentheses.

Most viewed reviews of 2023

So, all reviews from previous years. At least Frank Miller’s Daredevil Artifact Edition stems from the Artist’s Edition reprint. In the sixth spot was a review from this year, David Wright’s Carol Day: Lance Hallam at 1154 views.

Most viewed posts of 2023 (not reviews)

Four posts from 2023 with the last one handling a 2023 solicit.

Most viewed of 2023

This makes sense based on content and readership. I’m surprised so few people view my AE Resources page; underappreciated. I’m surprised at the number of hits the store received versus the number of books sold. My stats are filled with review hits, since that’s the bulk of web searches, people searching for more information about an AE format book.

Visitors by Country

  • United States (82700)
  • Canada (19300)
  • France (15200)
  • United Kingdom (14600)
  • Spain (8227)

France at third continues to surprise me, but I’m not sure why since they love comics and comic art. Me hitting the site every day could be skewing those Canada numbers.

Annual insights

YearTotal postsTotal wordsAvg words per post

Because I moved posts over from Comic Book Daily with their original published dates, you see information from 2012 on. It appears I had more to say per post 2013-2015, dropped off 2016-2019 and have averaged out since.

All-time stats

  • Views: 985,266
  • Visitors: 271,550
  • Average views per visitor: 3.62
  • Posts: 661
  • Most popular day and time: Saturday (16% of views) at 4:00 PM (7% of views)
Total Views Months and years
Total Views Average per day

Growth has been very slow and gradual, but moving in the right direction. The most popular day of the week and time line up with the release of my newsletter, which is great to see people receiving and reading it.